Issues in class…..

Issues in class…

Content of this weeks lecture and tutorial involved the better understanding of Legal, Ethical, Social and Industrial issues in schools and as teachers how we should:
“Practice what we preach and set the right example”
(Leanne Cameron)

A great outline for teacher guiding principles can be found in these links:
Codes of Conduct:
Privacy and Security:

Industrial issues:
Remember to practice what we preach, as teachers set a good example, if we tell students to sit properly at their desk and we don’t, what example is that setting???

This weeks workshop option topic 3 – Digital media.
Group presentation was good, fairly clear content. Check out the website for further details to do with Digital media.

The student activity consisted of a lesson where students developed a adobe flash and learn the basics of tweening through utilising Flash and were required to correctly upload and save files in the appropriate file formats.
This activity was great, really well set out and the information and direction for the activity were very clear and easy to understand. However i did find one problem those with out adobe installed on there computer could not participate in the activity. Possibly something to think about in the future and what needs to be done to make sure this doesn’t happen, when at school…

About Brendon A

Im 21 years old, i live in the Sutherland Shire, I have two older brothers and a little sister. I still live at home (its cheaper that way and i always have food to eat) in my free time i like to get out side and live life, always keen for an adventure.
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